Nick Lawson

Senior Manager, Special Projects

Nick’s interest in experiential projects and production stemmed from his (possibly unhealthy) childhood obsession with challenges on “Survivor” that led him to develop and host reality TV-themed game shows for his high school classmates. Before he assisted with the launch of XP Land, Nick managed a Stanford neuroscience lab, built high-tech escape rooms and wrote a travel blog as he visited each National Park in the lower 48 states. He’s a Swiss Army Knife of eclectic talents and is called on for a variety of tasks including project management, virtual platform design, graphics, production, web management, writing, marketing and more.

What's your dream event to work on?
I’m going to build educational science museum geared towards fun adults.

What's your dream experience?
An 18-hole skee-ball course. (Which doesn’t exist…yet.)

When did you realize you had a future in experiential?
I designed, built, cast, and hosted a week-long The Amazing Race competition in high school that was filmed and posted on YouTube.

Nick’s LinkedIn

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